Eddie "1-Club's" RESUME
I am seeking a position that is Fun.
Secondly, the company culture I work in must embrace Candor. First, it gets more people in the conversation thus getting your organization idea rich. Second, it generates speed, ideas get debated rapidly, expanded/enhanced, and acted upon. Third, costs are cut and it unclutters.
* Improved employee morale in Special Accounts Rating Div. at Travelers
* Chaired Best People program at Travelers Insurance
* Consolidated Men's and Womens' Employee Clubs at Travelers Insurance
* Generated suggestion to improve weekly price changes at Target Corporation
* Coached Bacon Academy Golf team
Norwich GC, Norwich, CT. GroundsKeeper, 2018. 2019, 2020, 2021,2022
Chanticlair GC, Colchester, CT, GroundsKeeper, 2018, 2019
Fox Hopyard GC, E Haddam, CT, Groundskeeper, 2017
The Windham Club, N Windham, CT, Groundskeeper, 2016
Stop & Shop #608, Colchester, CT, Cashier, 2006-2015
Mohegan Sun CC at Pautipaug, Baltic, CT, Groundskeeper, 2007-2015
Pautipaug CC, Baltic, CT, Groundskeeper, 1995-2000, 2002, 2005, 2006
Target #1267, Waterford, CT. Sales, 2000-2005
Fox Hopyard GC, E Haddam, CT, Groundskeeper, 2000-2001, 2003
Golf Magazine-CT, Field Advisor, 1997-1998
Colchester Bd Education, Colchester, CT, Substitute-Teacher/Volunteer Golf Coach 1993-1995
Texas Refinery Corp, Ft Worth, TX, Sales, 1994-1996
Wizard Programming, Colchester, CT, Satellite Programing Sales, 1994
Ocean State Golf, Johnston, RI, Advertising Sales, 1995-1997
Redwood & Ross Mens' Store, Grand Rapids, MI, Sales, 1968-1969
Travelers Ins Cos, Hartford, CT. Manager-Agency Licensing, 1967-1993
Dave's Package Store, Marlborough, CT, Sales, 1976-1979
Amway Corp, Marlborough, CT, Sales, 1974-1977
University Bookstore, Kalamazoo, MI, Sales/Cashier, 1966-1967
University Theatres, Kalamazoo, MI, Cleaning Maintenance, 1966
WMU-Business Fraternity House, Kalamazoo, MI, House Manager, 1966
Rheem Mfr., Kalamazoo, MI, Press Operator, 1966
Brunswick Corp., Kalamazoo, MI, Paint Line Operator, 1966
Ferro Engr., Cleveland, OH, Summer Laborer, 1965
Kroger Co., Kalamazoo, MI, Store Operations, 1964
Cedar Point, Inc, Sandusky, OH, Marina Attendant/Bartender, 1962-1964
Fuller Brush Co., Cleveland, OH, Product Distribution, 1960-1961
Lawn Care-Contractor, Bay Village, OH, Landscaper, 1959-1961
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI BA and MBA
Teamplayer, PC literate, honest, road warrior, self reflective, patient, rightous heart, inteligent, stealth, self confident, ethical reasoning, good communications, problem-solver, personally/socially responsible, trustworthy, set realistic goals, holistic vision, good time management, customer-service ninja philosophy, willing to probe deeply, good listener, independent, good facilitator, good judge of people, always wanting to learn new talents/improve.
Bacon Academy High School Building Committee: Member
Bacon Academy High School Graduation Committee: Chairman
Bacon Academy High School Golf Team: Volunteer Coach
Colchester Bd of Education: President
Colchester Bd Tax Review: Member
Colchester Lions Club: President
Colchester Midget Football: President, V-President, Treasurer, Secretary
Culver Summer Naval Academy: Intern/Cadet
Eastern CT Footbal League: President, V-P, Treasurer, Secretary
Hillside Water Corp.: President, V-President, Treasurer, Secretary
Tarramugus Beach Assoc.: President, V-President, Treasurer, Secretary
Travelers Insurance Cos-Men's Club: President, Secretary
Travelers Insurance Cos-Womens' Club: Secretary
Golf...read my story at www.e1c.freewebspace.com
Meeting new people